Ever wonder what ingredients are involved in creating your favorite Dermalogica, Bioelements, or other leading skin care products? Wonder no more! We have compiled a list of popular skin care ingredients and provide a bit of insight into each of the ingredients and how they help contribute to your great looking skin.
Balm Mint Balm Mint (Melissa Officinalis) works as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Providing soothing for skin. |
Quillaja Saponaria Soapbark (Quillaja Saponaria) is derived from the dried inner bark and works as a gentile natural cleanser. |
Lavender Lavender (Lavandula) works as an anti-inflammatory and skin soothing agent. Provides great cleansing, healing and soothing properties. |
Mallow Mallow (Malva sylvestris) offers anti-inflammatory properties to help prevent age lines, and provides natural hydration to soothe and refresh your skin. |